Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spaceship Earth

I sit under the spinning blades of
The skies churning, churning, and
I cry.
My life interrupted, once again.
I wonder if time is cyclical, if
I could really go back. But
What would I do?
Be locked away for raving
Nude in the parking lot of my
High school? Scream at myself
Again raving nude in the classroom
I once called Home.
Now all I can do is
Submit to the will of the
Opium drip drip dripping
Through my veins
Praying for an overdose.
An “accidental” death to
Justify my exit stage left from
This spaceship called Earth.
While I sit here, under the
Spinning blades of my life
I cry.
I scream to the gods to just let
Me die, to let my breath escape
My body, one measly second
At a time.
Profoundly intoxicated by this
Prophetic substance, dreaming
Dreams I once thought impossible.
I see the muddling existence led
By others sharing my pain.
I am sorry.
The only thing I want at this
Holy moment is to wander the streets
Of San Fransisco Portland and open
A heavy iron door to steam I know
Is Heaven. The holy moment
Enshrouded by this holy vapor,
THIS is my home.
Nodding off to the sick sounds
Of nothing there. Of parents and
Coworkers wonderingnotwondering
Where I am.
Who I've become.
If I'm safe.
Because on this spaceship called Earth,
No one is safe
Save enshrouded by that holy vapor.

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