Thursday, March 21, 2013

Asking All the Right Questions

Rain travels upward
   In the lower levels of eternity,
     Wanderlusting through field
After field,
         Never asking why,
Only to find the answer
     To our question
Is exactly why.

At the mountains of
   Stark raving madness
     The gods drink scotch
Looking at the stars,
         Wondering if there's
Someone up there, listening
     To their prayers,
This is exactly why.

Exactly why our eyes
   Can't keep away from the
     Skyward shadows;
Can't keep wondering what's
         Living beneath our feet.
Can't stop ourselves from
     Asking all the wrong
Questions as to why.

Why do stars cry out at
   Midnight? Why do dogs
    Bark through shocked
Collars. You're goddamn right
Because someone up there
     Is asking
All the wrong questions.

Wondering where the next
   Step will take us
     Feeling like there's nowhere
To go but
Everywhere at once,
     Only stopping to ask.

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