Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Thing I Am Trying (Sketches!)

    Inspired by the late Jack Kerouac, I am going to start sketching.  But here's the twist, I am going to sketch with words!  I re-picked up the Book of Sketches by Jack Kerouac.  It has inspired me to sketch, at least once a day to keep up my writing chops.  I have gotten a bit rusty, especially in poetry.  I would love to be much better than I am at the moment.  So expect a sketch a day!  Practice practice practice!

    On a side note, I am now eight days completely sober and I've never felt better!  It's amazing, really.  I am motivated to do my work now (gasp!)  Well, at least work in some classes.  Others I am just too filled by hatred to concentrate.  Hey, baby steps right?  I think the secret to it all was hydration.  I had this crazy idea that it would make me feel better.  It has!  Also, limes are like a godsend right now.  They help a lot with cleansing the system, and I just got a big bag of them. 

Happy reading, comrades!

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