Monday, March 18, 2013

Late Posts

    Okay, so.  Last week was spring break for me, and it was busy.  To say the least.  I went camping the first three days.  Honestly it's a bit of a blur after that.  All I remember is the very long hike, next thing I know I'm in this woman's arms.  Arms I love very much, probably the best way to end the weekdays.  Except when she had to leave, I wanted her to stay in Austin.  But I thought she would have had more fun seeing buffalo and such.  Then, after a very chill day of doing nothing; I went to go see Eric Clapton.  I have to say, that was a hell of a concert!  I've only seen three other old guys who can rock that hard.  And I'm pretty sure they're gods.  At least demi-gods.  Either way, they all will go to musical Olympus, and be merry.
    I will try to post mostly every day from now on.  I seriously fell out of the habit of posting.  One thing I will fix, for sure.

Happy reading.

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