Monday, March 4, 2013

Night Winds

The wind of night creeps
Across my window.  The air;
Cold yet inviting, wishes me to
Walk the streets, wondering where I
Would end up.

But my heart, tells me no.
So I sit here, wondering
Just where I would end up.
I am enticed, yet afraid
Of what the night has to offer.

I try to bring myself
Back to the reason I am this way.
But the night, the darkness of
The night wind wishes me into

So I play music, try
To forget myself,
My past, the dark night.
I write to soothe my soul,
But the nightly wind

Blares through my headphones,
Straight into my head,
Planting the seed of
Doubt, regret, dismay.
I wonder if I will

Ever be right again.
I want to say I will.
I want to believe I
Will be who I have always
Wanted to be.

As I sit here,
Cold and alone.
I wonder when my life
Passed me by,
Travelling on the dark

Night winds.

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