Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sketch 1

Light stumbles through
The glass and film—
Wanderlust of the Gods—
Spinning blades weave
The static air through
The static of the TV.
Fantasmic fantasies
Of you, and I,
Rolling around—
Feeling 'round for
That one spot,
That one spot between
Reality, and name—
Ecstasy (pure

Thought drab,
Overdone, cliché,
Now holds my attention
Weaving in and out
Of sight—within
The mind—Within
My soul.
Glass plastic and
Wood await the
Telling of my story.
They wish for parts
That I possess
Lamenting the fact
They can't speak

If my walls could speak,
O, the things they'd
Say—the stories they'd
Weave—Scream through
The glass panels and
I am—at the same time—
Glad and regretful the
Walls in this room can-
Not talk. I wish
To hear the words they'd
Use. The arc of story
Told by the wanderlust
Of the Gods.

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