Tuesday, March 26, 2013

To C

I met you and fell upward
To the bliss
Of sunshine and the sweet of a rose
And with the power of a kiss,
I fell to the sky.

I thought I would bleed
For you, but I found myself
Upon a midnight reading
Out from my lonesome shelf.

The picture on the page
Dances in my head wile
As this bird flies from the cage
Made weak from this child.

The voice of my past
Cannot last
This straining of my heart
He died whilst speaking his art.

In the Mood to Destroy Something Beautiful

    Lately I've been in the mood to destroy something.  Something beautiful, and preferably non-living.  Like burn the Louvre and wipe my ass with the Mona Lira, as my copy of Fight Club says.  I don't know, man.  I'm usually not that kind of guy.  But lately I feel like it.  I might as well enjoy it, since I've been labelled a douche for the rest of my high school career.  Two months never seemed so long.  In a sense I have destroyed something beautiful.  I really did, if I think about it.  I guess that's why I feel this way, the whole 'fuck it' attitude.  I'm going to be in school for two more fucking months, then bam.  Real life.  I honestly think I should live as much as I can now, before life kicks in.
    Adolescence is a twentieth century invention, I've heard that a lot echoing through my mind.  The more I think about it, the more I realize it's true.  We are a generation of men raised by women, a generation of women raised by the media.  I'm still unsure if another voice in our heads is for the better.  Freud's Superego has been amassing an army.  To fight the moral fight of this stillyoung century.  I've been debating whether or not I should just opt out, or pick a side.  One thing that still gets me is my knack for picking a side unintentionally.  The Id has been amassing an army as well.  Set up to fight the Armageddon of the New Age.  Maybe that's what all that biblical shit is about.  Morals, since, the bible can be boiled down to a book of morals.  A HIGHLY symbolic book of morals.  You know the drill, God is in each and every one of us, blah blah blah.  But once you think about it, all those hippie shit "freethinkers" have got something there.  Makes me wonder if my senseless hedonism is worth it.
    Then I think, "well, if the world is going to end, then fuck yeah."  Still a resounding argument from the Id.  While the Superego is always nagging, "get your shit together, be a good person, blah blah blah."  This goes on each and every day inside me until I have a headache that could part the Red Sea. 

Arm thyselves for the coming war.
And as always, happy reading.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spaceship Earth

I sit under the spinning blades of
The skies churning, churning, and
I cry.
My life interrupted, once again.
I wonder if time is cyclical, if
I could really go back. But
What would I do?
Be locked away for raving
Nude in the parking lot of my
High school? Scream at myself
Again raving nude in the classroom
I once called Home.
Now all I can do is
Submit to the will of the
Opium drip drip dripping
Through my veins
Praying for an overdose.
An “accidental” death to
Justify my exit stage left from
This spaceship called Earth.
While I sit here, under the
Spinning blades of my life
I cry.
I scream to the gods to just let
Me die, to let my breath escape
My body, one measly second
At a time.
Profoundly intoxicated by this
Prophetic substance, dreaming
Dreams I once thought impossible.
I see the muddling existence led
By others sharing my pain.
I am sorry.
The only thing I want at this
Holy moment is to wander the streets
Of San Fransisco Portland and open
A heavy iron door to steam I know
Is Heaven. The holy moment
Enshrouded by this holy vapor,
THIS is my home.
Nodding off to the sick sounds
Of nothing there. Of parents and
Coworkers wonderingnotwondering
Where I am.
Who I've become.
If I'm safe.
Because on this spaceship called Earth,
No one is safe
Save enshrouded by that holy vapor.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Once I thought there was a title, but not I'm not so sure

    My apologies for not posting yesterday.  Busy busy busy.  Trying new things, sobriety for one.  Also, it's been a while since I've cried.  It felt good.  Almost feel like doing that now, if my eyes weren't burning out of my skull.  I honestly feel like a late night would be good for me.  Perhaps it would, I don't really know anymore.  Watching On the Road (the movie, I didn't sit and watch the book for two hours) really is making me want to live that life.  I've caught the Beat bug once again.  I only fear this won't be good for the likes of me.  Part of me wants to live a short life, burning twice as fast.  I am unsure that I would be twice as bright, on the other hand.  I've led that life, and it almost killed me.  I don't know if I want another go at that.  But goddamn, a drink sounds really good right about now.
    I've decided to live out of my notebooks from now on.  I love the feel of writing longhand.  It gets my ideas out in an organized way, as opposed to scrambled and put together in a very short amount of time.  Writing longhand helps me write better.  So, as of now I'll be living out of notebooks.  The trouble is, I always feel weird writing randomly in a notebook in the middle of class.  I am paranoid that someone will call me out on it, read over my shoulder, or make fun of me for it.  Though, the little fucks in my classes aren't really worth feeling hurt over.  Alas, the pain is still there.
    A lot of the time I feel as if I was born in the wrong era.  I have been obsessed with the Beat generation for a long time.  Though it went dormant when I got sober.  So now all I can think of when I think of the Beats are drugs.  I don't know if I can ever feel that same passion again.  That passionate wide-eyed sweat that comes from reading Howl, that wondrous and infectious thought that the truth is out there, somewhere and all that I have to do is search for it by any means necessary.  The senseless thoughtful hedonism that led the generation to literary legend.  I want to feel that again.  At the same time, though, I want to be healthy.  I want to be stable and I want to make something of my life.  Isn't the whole life of an artist devoted to chance, passion, and love?  The chance to do something great through your art, at the expense of everything else.  Something about that just sings to me its siren song.  If only I could do both.  Live a life of love, truth, wonder and still be stable enough to not have everyone around me hate me for who I am.
   I guess that's the rant of the day.  Just me, bearing my soul open and injured on the proverbial stage.  Just please, be careful with my heart.  It's the only thing I want to keep intact.

Happy reading.

Asking All the Right Questions

Rain travels upward
   In the lower levels of eternity,
     Wanderlusting through field
After field,
         Never asking why,
Only to find the answer
     To our question
Is exactly why.

At the mountains of
   Stark raving madness
     The gods drink scotch
Looking at the stars,
         Wondering if there's
Someone up there, listening
     To their prayers,
This is exactly why.

Exactly why our eyes
   Can't keep away from the
     Skyward shadows;
Can't keep wondering what's
         Living beneath our feet.
Can't stop ourselves from
     Asking all the wrong
Questions as to why.

Why do stars cry out at
   Midnight? Why do dogs
    Bark through shocked
Collars. You're goddamn right
Because someone up there
     Is asking
All the wrong questions.

Wondering where the next
   Step will take us
     Feeling like there's nowhere
To go but
Everywhere at once,
     Only stopping to ask.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Thing I Am Trying (Sketches!)

    Inspired by the late Jack Kerouac, I am going to start sketching.  But here's the twist, I am going to sketch with words!  I re-picked up the Book of Sketches by Jack Kerouac.  It has inspired me to sketch, at least once a day to keep up my writing chops.  I have gotten a bit rusty, especially in poetry.  I would love to be much better than I am at the moment.  So expect a sketch a day!  Practice practice practice!

    On a side note, I am now eight days completely sober and I've never felt better!  It's amazing, really.  I am motivated to do my work now (gasp!)  Well, at least work in some classes.  Others I am just too filled by hatred to concentrate.  Hey, baby steps right?  I think the secret to it all was hydration.  I had this crazy idea that it would make me feel better.  It has!  Also, limes are like a godsend right now.  They help a lot with cleansing the system, and I just got a big bag of them. 

Happy reading, comrades!

Sketch 1

Light stumbles through
The glass and film—
Wanderlust of the Gods—
Spinning blades weave
The static air through
The static of the TV.
Fantasmic fantasies
Of you, and I,
Rolling around—
Feeling 'round for
That one spot,
That one spot between
Reality, and name—
Ecstasy (pure

Thought drab,
Overdone, cliché,
Now holds my attention
Weaving in and out
Of sight—within
The mind—Within
My soul.
Glass plastic and
Wood await the
Telling of my story.
They wish for parts
That I possess
Lamenting the fact
They can't speak

If my walls could speak,
O, the things they'd
Say—the stories they'd
Weave—Scream through
The glass panels and
I am—at the same time—
Glad and regretful the
Walls in this room can-
Not talk. I wish
To hear the words they'd
Use. The arc of story
Told by the wanderlust
Of the Gods.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Girl with the Sunshine Eyes and Thundercloud Smile

I am waiting for
   The girl with the
   Sunshine eyes and
Thundercloud smile.
A face that I once
   Coveted, but the mind
   Behind was the target
Of all my affection.
And oh, my cloudless
   Days have the best
   Of me, raining from
My eyes in the night.
Leaving me sightless,
   Cold and soaked;
   Barely able to
Surface my head.
Where has the girl
   With the sunshine eyes
   And thundercloud smile
Gone? Will she return?
Will I find the light
   In this sunless night,
   Tripping and slipp-
Slipping across my eyes?

Under the sunless sky,
  Lit by hope
A smirk is found
Spread across my face.
   This face, never
   Seen by this girl.
The girl with the sun-
Shine eyes and
   Thundercloud smile.
   The smirk fades.
A sigh barely heard
Over the gales,
   Ebbing through sight
   Flowing out of sound.
Oh, this astral girl
Inciting the winds to
   Blow away the dust,
   Blow away the grime.
God, let her sunshine eyes,
And thundercloud smile,
   Shine and rumble
   Across my sky.

Time Runs Thin

The music comes
To dramatic endings
      As the tick-tock eyes move
          Back and forth
The four/four time of my heart
  Has filled the beats,
    And filled your soul.
          But music is what you speak,
      And music is my whole.
        Alas, time runs thin.
And my words ended in awkward clauses,
    Never finding the right notes,
  Not finding the right tone.
      I wanted to make you smile,
        But I ended up flat, clashing,
          My words in discord.
A brand-new notebook, filled
          With the ideas of a
  Mad man, yet
        Never finding their way in.
    The silence after the song fills
      The page, as

Late Posts

    Okay, so.  Last week was spring break for me, and it was busy.  To say the least.  I went camping the first three days.  Honestly it's a bit of a blur after that.  All I remember is the very long hike, next thing I know I'm in this woman's arms.  Arms I love very much, probably the best way to end the weekdays.  Except when she had to leave, I wanted her to stay in Austin.  But I thought she would have had more fun seeing buffalo and such.  Then, after a very chill day of doing nothing; I went to go see Eric Clapton.  I have to say, that was a hell of a concert!  I've only seen three other old guys who can rock that hard.  And I'm pretty sure they're gods.  At least demi-gods.  Either way, they all will go to musical Olympus, and be merry.
    I will try to post mostly every day from now on.  I seriously fell out of the habit of posting.  One thing I will fix, for sure.

Happy reading.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Night Winds

The wind of night creeps
Across my window.  The air;
Cold yet inviting, wishes me to
Walk the streets, wondering where I
Would end up.

But my heart, tells me no.
So I sit here, wondering
Just where I would end up.
I am enticed, yet afraid
Of what the night has to offer.

I try to bring myself
Back to the reason I am this way.
But the night, the darkness of
The night wind wishes me into

So I play music, try
To forget myself,
My past, the dark night.
I write to soothe my soul,
But the nightly wind

Blares through my headphones,
Straight into my head,
Planting the seed of
Doubt, regret, dismay.
I wonder if I will

Ever be right again.
I want to say I will.
I want to believe I
Will be who I have always
Wanted to be.

As I sit here,
Cold and alone.
I wonder when my life
Passed me by,
Travelling on the dark

Night winds.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Broken Moons and Afternoons

Broken afternoons
Give way to darkness,
That give way to forced words
And four by four blocks
Leading into the Ether.
These broken afternoons
Leave me tired and forgotten,
While I wish to be loved,
The loved have wishes.
What I have taken for granted
Is the only thing keeping me
Where I am, when I am.
But as this silver moon
Falls across the sky,
My heart fades.
My stomach turns and
I am left sitting alone
In the dark, wondering
What the fuck happened.
Whether I really like
Who I am, or what I've
Become, or what I will
But as this fading moon
Falls through the sky,
I am reminded of my past;
What I have been through
To get to where I am.
And while I would rather
Not think about them,
I am reminded of what I
Have been through.
Of what I have seen.

I've seen my blood dripping
From my legs as if it wanted
To escape the confines of my
veins. I've seen what's left
Of my heart be broken into pieces
Over this sacred Ether.
I've seen (or rather, felt)
My heart cut in twain over
What I thought was sacred.
I haven't had a good memory
In years.

But now,
When I am pondering
On my life now,
I feel as if I don't deserve
The good things I have.
I feel I am not
Worthy of such good fortune.
I wonder if I am where
I am because of fate,
Or just freak coincidence.

Watching this freak moon
Fall from the sky I
Realize that I am who
I am because of the
Actions I've taken in
My past life. What
I have taken for granted is
In the falling freak moon.

I am this moon, I am the sky.
This silver deity falling from
Me is only a reminder that
I have no stars left.
That, across my sky
I have nothing but
Fleeting memories that
I have no desire to remember.
From my falling sky,
From my rising moon
I wish for memories I don't have
To fall for.

Looking up at this sky,
I want nothing more than
An Earth to land on.