Monday, November 11, 2013

Hydrocodone Hangover

Hydrocodone hangovers have me
Second guessing my second chance,
Have me rethinking my second glances
At the mystery that is life.

Caffeine and cigarettes guide my day
What's to come is pre-coped and
Pre-packaged to fit neatly in the box
On top of my shoulders.

Wondering what life will bring, what
Wondrous things are to come.
What horrible thoughts are to arise from
These wondrous happenstances.

The negative self-talk is corrosive,
Now on, from this point onward
It's going to be positive,
Sunshine and rainbows.

Life is wonderful scary strange and
Magical, what's to come is in the cards
And what has been is in my heart.
Part of me knows I can do my part

To live my life to the fullest,
With my heart outside my breast,
My mind beginning to crest
The hill of the insurmountable.

The insurmountable love that is life.

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