Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dragon-Phoenix Heart

You, you are beautiful.
In every
Way, and more.
My love for you will
Never fail, never
Falter or wither
Or die.
You, you are the
Light of my life,
The stars in my eye,
And the beat of my
Heart.  Even
Though you are miles
Away, I still think of
You. I (wish to) see
You inches from my
Face; I (wish to)
Feel your embrace in mine,
To know you are right where
You are.  Being beautiful.
Being you, and I (wish
To) have your love come
Out in wave after wave of
Snuggles and cuddles,
God how I wish.
How I wish you were here,
One night without you
Is one night too many.

Never forget, how I love you.
You will always and
Forever have a place in
The largest ventricle of
My dragon-phoenix

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