Thursday, August 15, 2013

Couple of weeks.

It's been a rough day, for me at least.  I said goodbye to the girl I truly love, and I couldn't help crying the rest of the day.  But the more I think about it, the more I want her to be happier than she ever was with me.  I want her to be the happiest she's ever been every day for the rest of her life.  She deserves it, that is for damn sure. 

I got a job, if you couldn't already tell.  It's at an electronics store.  And, well, I spent pretty much my whole paycheck on computer components.  My friend gave me his old rig and I want to upgrade it into a total badass.  Plus, the Raspberry Pi I ordered came in, so I have a lot to do.  For those who don't know what a Raspberry Pi is; it's a computer the size of half your hand.  It's amazing, really.  When I got it I felt like a kid in a candy store, all I could say was "Eeeeee."

Still, I hope to keep myself busy with the computer stuff for a while.  At least until I feel comfortable with my love leaving.  Because, honestly, I am heartbroken.  But my solace is in the face that she will have so much fun in college.  The thought of her having fun, meeting people and learning brings me joy.  That is what makes me feel okay with her leaving.  Otherwise I would be in tears 24/7.

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