Friday, November 22, 2013

Rainy Rambles

Stoplights turn,
The blue buzz of go throught the
Midnight rainy air.
The exhaust clings to the road
And the music pounds on,
Singing my route through the haze
Beating my way down road
Afer road,
After road.
Cold reaching my bones
Wetness from the sky,
Tears of the gods.
Lifegiving, breathtaking love
Of the skies themselves.
This water wandering through
Dreams of yesteryear,
The last time it rianed, oh so
Long ago.

As for now, friends keep
My company, my love and
Affection.  Keeping
Me in line, and in love through
This tough time living life.

And the rain the rain the rain,
Leaving me cold, wet and so
Very happy.

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