Friday, February 15, 2013

Stories, stories, stories!

In the next few days I'll be attempting to post a couple of my stories.  I'm currently leaving the site where I would post my stories, it's been a long time.  Four years I believe, since I've joined the place.  It really doesn't look the same anymore.  I figure it's time for a change in scenery.  So, I hope to have this place as my new story-dump.  Such a gross sounding phrase, but hey, gotta put them somewhere.  I hope more people will read this blog, I'll start whoring it out, like a lot.  So that will help.  I hope that I can really start being faithful to this, I haven't in the past.  It's new, and I need to get in the habit of posting nearly everyday.  So, welcome newcomers, follow me if you like!

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