Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Come forth ye hethens and monsters!

    Rain!  One of the most wonderful things on this earth.  The life giving, heartwarming and ever-so chilly gift of the clouds.  As of now it hasn’t rained yet, but I am hoping and praying it will!  A great night to be reading H. P. Lovecraft and perhaps some tea later.  Who knows?  What I do know is that the wind is blowing up something fierce.  And the slight chill to my room doesn’t make the horror stories that less real.  On the contrary, the inter-dimensional fuckery that is Lovecraft has got me closing up my blinds and clogging my ears as to ward off any an unwarranted sound.  Not only that, the sun reflecting onto my laptop in ways I never thought possible.  Mostly because I usually have the blinds closed shut (I read a bit too much).  Ah, but I love reading.  Especially when I get books for pennies on the dollar at thrift stores.  Again, I love reading.
    But I digress.  Rain!  That’s where I was.  Something about the rain evokes something not-of-this-world in me.  That paranoid feeling I received once in a skunky haze.  The feeling that has me looking over my shoulder at every car passing me by.  And what do I do?  Write!  That’s what.  I am starting to think that I have way too many books in my possession.  Then I think, nah.  You can never have too much.
    Ah yes, rain!  It reminds me of the story I just finished an hour ago.  One of a twin brother to a beast not of this world.  At once I think of the hill-topped climax of the story.  It still gives me a shudder to think of it.  But it’s a pleasant shudder.  One that makes me smile on my insides at the crows shouting through the trees outside my window.  Most likely eating whatever the rain brings up.  Probably worms, or what have you.  Once thought to be bad omens, the birds are now my friends.  Though Whippoorwills still weird me out.
    And again, rain!  The wind is blowing the branches of trees toward my window as the sun sets peacefully (yet menacingly) in the background.  There’s something about this weather—this day in fact—that has me on edge.  Hopefully the rain washes that all away and starts this week afresh.  I hope to hope that what is brewing in the sky will be benevolent.  Too many a time have the skies opened up and put forth something akin to despair.  That has changed in recent times.  The rain reminds me of summer (strangely, because it rained so little the last few summers), something about hiding out in my house to escape the gales.  Something about love or loss, of what I do not know.  But something in the skies is brewing, that much is true.  The people coming home from work are in a sort of panic.  Whether that be from the rain, or whatever is behind it.  For so many things come from the skies, it’s hard to keep track of them all.

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