Thursday, February 27, 2014

Just Breathe

The rain pads softly
   On the leaves above
 My head.
The air is cold;
     My heart is heavy
   My life flashing
       Before my
         Very eyes.
Just breathe,
 Staring out the window.
   Edging my car down
 Neighborhood streets.
     Cruising across puddles
   And pools and power and

Recovering through living,
   Loving through life.
      Living through you.
Just breathe, you know.
   All will align, all will
        Work out.
 The universe has a funny way
   Of righting itself.

So just breathe,
   Count the shadows and
       Look into the light.
 Stand up and walk through,
   Walk through
         Live through,
           Love through,
       See through the
   Shadows for what they are.

   Cast on the ground
     By light speeding
 Through the universe.
For every light there's a shadow.
  Every shadow has a light.

So just breathe.
   Your shadow is here to
 It loves you as much as
         I do.

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