Thursday, February 27, 2014

Just Breathe

The rain pads softly
   On the leaves above
 My head.
The air is cold;
     My heart is heavy
   My life flashing
       Before my
         Very eyes.
Just breathe,
 Staring out the window.
   Edging my car down
 Neighborhood streets.
     Cruising across puddles
   And pools and power and

Recovering through living,
   Loving through life.
      Living through you.
Just breathe, you know.
   All will align, all will
        Work out.
 The universe has a funny way
   Of righting itself.

So just breathe,
   Count the shadows and
       Look into the light.
 Stand up and walk through,
   Walk through
         Live through,
           Love through,
       See through the
   Shadows for what they are.

   Cast on the ground
     By light speeding
 Through the universe.
For every light there's a shadow.
  Every shadow has a light.

So just breathe.
   Your shadow is here to
 It loves you as much as
         I do.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Falling Moons

Broken afternoons
Give way to darkness,
That give way to forced words
And four by four blocks
Leading into the Ether.
These broken afternoons
Leave me tired and forgotten,
While I wish to be loved,
The loved have wishes.
What I have taken for granted
Is the only thing keeping me
Where I am, when I am.
But as this silver moon
Falls across the sky,
My heart fades.
My stomach turns and
I am left sitting alone
In the dark, wondering
What the fuck happened.
Whether I really like
Who I am, or what I've
Become, or what I will
But as this fading moon
Falls through the sky,
I am reminded of my past;
What I have been through
To get to where I am.
And while I would rather
Not think about them,
I am reminded of what I
Have been through.
Of what I have seen.

I've seen my blood dripping
From my legs as if it wanted
To escape the confines of my
veins. I've seen what's left
Of my heart be broken into pieces
Over this sacred Ether.
I've seen (or rather, felt)
My heart cut in twain over
What I thought was sacred.
I haven't had a good memory
In years.

But now,
When I am pondering
On my life now,
I feel as if I don't deserve
The good things I have.
I feel I am not
Worthy of such good fortune.
I wonder if I am where
I am because of fate,
Or just freak coincidence.

Watching this freak moon
Fall from the sky I
Realize that I am who
I am because of the
Actions I've taken in
My past life. What
I have taken for granted is
In the falling freak moon.

I am this moon, I am the sky.
This silver deity falling from
Me is only a reminder that
I have no stars left.
That, across my sky
I have nothing but
Fleeting memories that
I have no desire to remember.
From my falling sky,
From my rising moon
I wish for memories I don't have
To fall for.

Looking up at this sky,
I want nothing more than
An Earth to land on.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Divine Cocophony

A wondrous collectious
    Cacophony of love.
  The feeling once the beat
        Begins to kick,
Lulls me into a wondrous
    Collection of bobbing
    Of my head.
    Listen to this
  Beating heart, whose
      Beats beat through
    The speakers.
O, the song sings soulful through
        My ears,
Silence is the soul and yet
      Music is heaven.
          Or hell,
Depending on the song.
  And that is beautiful,
    The fact,
Music can take me through
    Or hell.
Here the trees are green,
    The grass is golden,
  And the sky precious
Leading me through these
    Divine songs,
  The nine levels of bliss,
      And purgatory.
And here It is,
  This divine cacophony
                Of love.