Sunday, January 27, 2013

January twenty-seventh

    I want to be reincarnated as a cat.  I just think it would be such a cushy lifestyle.  And I was thinking, lying in bed not sleeping that it would be an amazing thing to be.  At least a well-cared-for housecat.  Any pet really.  The whole concept of reincarnation is interesting.  I feel, as a Buddhist that life cannot just end.  If there is really such thing as a soul then it cannot be created or destroyed.  Then again everything comes and goes from nothing, so it's all a crap-shoot really.
    One thing that still gets me is my love of books.  I just love to read, but I find myself doing more (or less) productive things than reading.  I really do enjoy it, but I can't bring myself to do it sometimes.  I find that the best time to read is if you can't sleep.  But as of right now I'm blogging on this new blog instead of reading.  Ah well, I need to write more anyway.
    Speaking of, I've been working on this new story.  I'm unsure whether to make it into a whole book or just a long short story.  Either way I have a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it.  Which, again, is relative.  I just need to make the time to do anything I want to.  And I half-promised to myself to keep writing, even if it's just irrelevant things like what I'm writing now.  If anything this is more a journal than blog.  I'm still unsure what a blog is anymore.

    Here's one of my favourite quotes:  "My fault, my failure, is not my passions but my lack of control of them."  -- Jack Kerouac.

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