Friday, June 14, 2013

Life is Interesting.

    So, it's officially gotten to the point where the only thing I ever type into the computer is my password.  I need to keep writing, even now it feels alien to be typing.  I figure it's high time I start posting again.
    I finished my novel.  I think I'll just give it away for free online.  If I can find a way to host the file on here, then I will do that in short time.  Other than that I've been enthralled by computers.  I ordered a Rasberry Pi, one of those wallet-sized and fully-functional computers.  Honestly, that's just effing amazing to me.  A full computer that fits in the palm of your hand.  Fuckin' crazy right?
    I also have been enthralled with both the movie and novel, John Dies at the End.  If you've never heard of it, check it out.  It is definitely worth it.  The first time I saw that movie, all I could say was, "what the fuck?"  But it was delightfully absurd, emphasis on the delightful.  If you're not into reading the book (and I DO wish I had read the book first, just saying) then check out the movie.  You can find it on Netflix, or your neighbourhood friendly movie pirating site.  I highly recommend it.
    Recycled computers are interesting.  I just brought one of my first computers back to life, something that took all of a day and ten bucks worth of adapters, not sure if it's worth it.  Mostly because of the internet connection, but hey, can't win em all.  I may just wire it, instead of using one of those cheap USB wireless adapters.  But honestly, all of that was just testing and preparation for when I get the Rasberry Pi.  Which, to my dismay, hasn't even been processed.  [entersadfacehere]
    Still, life has been an amazing time.  Not to mean it's over, quite the opposite.  Graduating high school just made me realize that I have so much more to do.  I try to focus on the here-and-now, but I keep having looming thoughts about failing to become employed, getting an education, and the whole lot.  So if anyone in the Austin, Texas area knows someone who's hiring, drop me a line.
    That's my update so far.  I hope it's been amazing for you, too.

Happy Reading,

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