Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dream of a Nightmare

Words don't come as easy
As they used to, you know.
Pained and struggled, staring
At the computer screen, wondering
Wondering why the words are
So hard to form, why the
Page is full, and blank.

The words aren't as
Inspired as they once
Were. Leaving me, alone
In the dark, wanting to do some
Thing creative with my
Words. Only to be
Shot down by
My own

Adderall dreams
Fill my head with sorrow,
Guilt and euphoria like never
Before, and yet I've been here all
Too many times. Wondering
Down the dark, bleak
Streets of Venice.

Coffee stains on
The rug, water pouring
From my pours, escaping
The poisoned body they once
Inhabited, they once called
Home. Littered across
My room are the
Dreams of my

A life I once
Could only dream
Of, a life filled with
Love, ambition, and, of
Course belonging are only
The dream of a night-
Mare long past.
The words
Slowly now.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Many Apologies Coming from This Dude Right Here.

    As the title says, many apologies for not being on.  I am neck deep in my first novel.  One that I started a number of years ago, but never got around to editing it fully.  May I say, it's a good-un.  Though I will just self-publish, instead of getting an agent, because I A) don't have the money for one, and B) I'm not too much invested in this as I should be.  I guess I want to do other things with my life right now.  I really love writing, but I can't find the time for it anymore.  Yet another reason I haven't been blogging.  I really should make the time, but it's getting down to the end of the year, schoolwise, and it's crunch-time.  I guess I'll have more time once school gets out.  Well, I will hopefully have a job by then, so it's really up in the air now.  I'll start posting things when I can, I just can't do it everyday like I promised. 
Again, many apologies from me.

Happy reading, from yours truly