Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dear C,

You Were Right

I've thought
  Into holes
          Turning into
        Abyssal darkness.
Learning as I
    Wondering how
      I found
  In the dark again.
Living in an immutable state
          Of regret
    Vow never to return:
                   Find myself
       In the dark again.
So you were
   You always
         Had been.
   I was thick
     I was rash
       I was blind.
You loved me
     I could not love myself.
You grounded me
       Turned on the light
    Or lit my torch.
I pray
        You are happy
        Because I am.
You deserve
      That and
   So              so
        Much more.
I hope this 
      Finds you well
  Finds you
        In sunlight with
    Flowers in your hair, and
           No cloud in your eyes.
I yearn that no gust blows
       Those flowers in your hair away.

I implore my words won't cast that cloud.

-- R