Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dear C,

You Were Right

I've thought
  Into holes
          Turning into
        Abyssal darkness.
Learning as I
    Wondering how
      I found
  In the dark again.
Living in an immutable state
          Of regret
    Vow never to return:
                   Find myself
       In the dark again.
So you were
   You always
         Had been.
   I was thick
     I was rash
       I was blind.
You loved me
     I could not love myself.
You grounded me
       Turned on the light
    Or lit my torch.
I pray
        You are happy
        Because I am.
You deserve
      That and
   So              so
        Much more.
I hope this 
      Finds you well
  Finds you
        In sunlight with
    Flowers in your hair, and
           No cloud in your eyes.
I yearn that no gust blows
       Those flowers in your hair away.

I implore my words won't cast that cloud.

-- R

Monday, January 19, 2015

Blank Pages

New pages woo me
Blank. Open. Free.
New pages with old
Music folding on folds
Of my ears living
Vicariously being
Someone I can only
Wish to be.

Vapourized daydreams
Living as it would seem
On the cusp of reality
Oh how this page woos me.

New notevooks nearing
Insanity lusting leaving
My pen contorted
Ink splayed on pages thwarted
Poems splayed eagle
Heart growing feeble
Hand in frantic hand
Oh, how these pages woo me.


Something struck me today
The power
Power and love and
          Saddness and guilt
          And elation
Of poetry.

It lives in me more now
I bask in its glow whether
       Or not that glow is
Because what these
Do for, to, with me
      Is immesurable.

I adore words (not
      Mine of course) but
      These letters forming
      Stanzas forming poems
        Lets my heart free;
I sail on the wind made of ink.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Three In The Afternoon

Wanderlust dusting over
   Shadowed afternoons,
   Wined musicians walking
   Down avenues dusted in moons.

Stars of ancient alien
   Cosmonauts living loving
   Fucking fighting flying over
   The atmosphere seeing

Lifetimes passing down
   Moon dusted caravans
   Caked in vomit and hope,
   Whilst wined musicians

Stroll down dusty boulevards,
   Wind blowing like sin,
   Looking for musical shards
   That one perfect melody to take

Them well into heaven and return
   Them unscathed unshaved
   Uninhibited and learn
   The music of ancient dusted moons.

Learn the perfect melody
   Whilst living an unperfect life
Loving unperfect personality;
   Loving the unperfect personality.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


The thought of you
    Leaving hits me from
    Time to time
An unspectacular disaster
    Walking out of the
    Ether of what used
    To be my life forever.
A thunderous absence; hole
    In my heart.
Echoes in my mind to
    This day your
Questioning footsteps wander
    In and out of the void
    Where I held my love
    For you
Replaced by shame & guilt
    & love & hatred hatred hatred
Of myself.

          Your silence stole
          My voice from me.

Friday, October 3, 2014

She Wore The Road

She wore the road
    On her little finger
Aimless and pointing
    Whichever way the
Wind was blowing.
    She saw the sun
In her hair,
    The light played in
Strands across the hills.
    She felt the stars
In her arms, drawing
    Boarders for the sole
Purpose of crossing.
    She heard me
At her door
    Writing her a letter
She'd never want to read.    
    She smelt coal
In the alcove behind
    Her apartment
Cooking her heart
    Inside her ribs
To a charred eternity.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Don't Act, Just Think

Philosophy is more vital now than ever before.  In history, philosophers have interpreted the world in glorious ways.  Modern philosophy pales in comparison to the classics, like Kant, Marx, Hegel, or Plato.  Whenever someone thinks of philosophy, they think of them.  Philosophy just is not thought about anymore, it has been replaced by growing “activism” in the face of human tragedies.  Rational thought has been replaced by mindless consumerism or flat out cynicism.  People have become apathetic toward thought.  In our modern world, activism has been reduced to simply consuming a product.  Rational thought is purely hypothetical, idealistic, or irrational.  We cannot believe that consumerist activism or personal changes will save the world.  We have to revolutionize thought to save the world; we have to think.
Starting with capitalism.  Historically speaking, (and I am saying this as some kind of communist) communism has failed miserably.  The fall of the Soviet Union and the Westernization of Communist China signaled the death of communism in the modern world.  What is left is some kind of social democratic capitalist economy.  Ironically, critics of capitalism have been saying that capitalism is in its last stages since the French Revolution.  Capitalism has survived for hundreds of years on its last breath.  It thrives on instability, on competition, winning and losing and the social unrest of billions.  Is this system good for humankind?  Are there any alternatives that work?
There are no easy answers to those questions.  The Occupy Wall Street protests are a prime example.  They protested capitalism, but provided no solutions.  This usually happens when you ask any communist what their solution is.  Either you get some sort of moralistic answer or an entirely unrealistic answer.  Occupy Wall Street had no answer, and frankly, neither do I.  In short, there is no answer, not yet.  My only suggestion can be to think.  We need thought to solve this problem.  That is why philosophy is more important now than ever before.  To solve the world’s issues, not just capitalism, we need to think, not act.  Philosopher and communist superstar Slavoj Zizek puts it this way, “The message of Occupy Wall Street is, ‘I would prefer not to play the existing game. There is something fundamentally wrong with the system and the existing forms of institutionalized democracy are not strong enough to deal with problems.’  For me, Occupy Wall Street is just a signal. It is like clearing the table. Time to start thinking.”  But what to think about?  Modern philosophers should be thinking of new solutions to not only the world’s humanistic crises, but it’s economic ones as well.  
Most people remember, not too long ago Starbucks put out a campaign that told consumers that their five dollar latte will help the children of whatever Latin American country they buy their coffee from by donating a portion of the profits to that country.  This campaign is not only ineffective (money given to countries or charities has a habit of disappearing) but perverse.  Not that I am saying it is completely horrific, helping people is a noble cause.  However, buying coffee to save people, though, shows that people are not willing to help with issues themselves.  Instead they would rather drink their coffee and believe they are doing good for the world.  That is perverse.
The most effective solution has not been found, nor will it ever be if we keep up this mentality of “I am doing good because I am donating to this cause or that cause.”  Using money to fix a problem has proved ineffective, just look at the US government.  What people as a whole need to do is take Marx’s famous Thesis 11, and reverse it.  Instead of “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.”  We need to say, “We tried to change the world too quickly, it is time to sit down and think.”  To do what Hegel did, not to repeat his thoughts, but to repeat what he did with his thoughts.  What we need is not left or right, but up or down or sideways or slantways.  To solve today’s humanistic problems, as well as economic and political problems, we have to think outside what we know.  To explore new territory of thought.  Where to start, though?
Frankly, I do not have an answer to that either.  I could go to the classics, although their importance on thought as a whole has become historically contextualized.  It is no longer what they thought, but what they did with their thought.  Maybe we should simply understand exactly what philosophers did in their historical context.  Study what they did, not what they said, and work off that.  Or maybe we should start with sciences, questioning the facts of life.  Or perhaps religion.  Buddhism, for example, teaches that everything is an illusion, that we should trust nothing.  Should we apply that to the way we think?  I say yes.  Change how we think and we can change anything.
Let me be clear here, humanistic crises are caused by the global capitalist economy.  The majority of people are poor.  This usually leads to violence, although most historical revolutions were started by the middle class.  The truly poor have no concern with a better life, they simply need to survive.  However, the fact that they are poor is a symptom of capitalism’s focus on competition.  Some win, get rich and happy; the majority loses, goes poor, and despises the rich for it.  The fact that people in one country can and do get rich off another person’s three-penny-paycheck is deplorable.  Capitalism inherently promotes greed in the hearts of most Westerners, who then turn their companies toward third-world countries and exploit them for every penny they have.  And yet, the moderately rich appease their conscious by donating to charity.  A guilty conscious, perhaps?

In short, humanistic crises cannot be solved by the same thing that caused them.  We must think in new ways before we can solve our society’s problems.  First, we need more thinkers, we need better education, focusing on literature, whatever makes people think.  We cannot afford anymore to get caught in the perverted cycle of exploitation and donation.  Philosophy is the only means to coming to any solution.  It is not time to change the world, it is time to think, to theorize, test, and implement revolutions that can and will work.  Do not be taken up by my call to action, the point is to not act.  Ignore any call to action that does not require at least a little thought.  Do not act, just think.